NetFlix has Deemed that Pedophilia is a RELIGION!

Will Pedophiles, and especially NAMBLA, start up a Church of Pedophilia? They just may and it would not surprise me if that is already in the works. If the Satanists, who claim no religion but enjoy the benefits of religious discrimination laws can use it, then what not Pedophiles? LGBTQPXYZ already are a protected class … Click Here to Read More

NetFlix should be RE-Named PedoFlix!

The screen writer and the movie house need to be investigated along with the parents who allow their little girls to be used and groomed for Child Porn! Groomed Child Stars grow up to be Hellywood Hussy’s of tomorrow!  Netflix Debuts Trailer For New Movie Sexualizing Children: ’11-Year-Old Girl Joins Twerking Dance Clique to Build … Click Here to Read More

Hellywood Producer Confirms Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice by the Elite!

Hollywood Producer Admits Industry Is Run By Pedophiles Who Traffic and Sacrifice Children Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – The entertainment industry is run by elite pedophiles who traffic and sacrifice children for their own depraved pleasure, according to Hollywood producer John Paul Rice who says “the most powerful six corporations in the land are … Click Here to Read More

Hooker says Hellywood Pedophiles Torture and Sacrifice Children!

Adult Star Jenna Jameson: Hollywood Is Run By Pedophiles Who ‘Sacrifice and Torture Children’ The world is run by “elite” pedophiles who hunt and torture children for sport, according to former adult star Jenna Jameson, who says Hollywood has remained silent on child sex trafficking because “not only do they partake, they are covering for … Click Here to Read More

Hellywood Pedophiles are Real and Actually Drink Adrenochrome Harvested from Torched Children

Heavyweight Boxer, David Rodriguez, Says Hollywood Pedos are Real and ‘Actually Drink Adrenochrome’ Boxer David Rodriguez normally fights in the ring. But recently, the fighter came out to give his two cents on Hollywood pedophilia rings. Marco De Francis | Humans are Free – In case you aren’t aware, more and more is coming out … Click Here to Read More

Hellywood Pedophiles about to be Exposed?

Proverbs 2:11-15 “Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: 12 To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things; 13 Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness; 14 Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the … Click Here to Read More

My little Pony goes Queer for Gay Pride Month

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 works both ways and these Wicked Reprobates know that. Biblically ignorant parents are just as guilt of the indoctrination of their children into the perversion, by NOT speaking out and … Click Here to Read More

This is Rich: Hellywoods Ahab’s and Jezebel’s Demand that McDonald’s End Agony for Billions of Animals

‘We Believe in Standing Up for Those Who Can’t Stand Up for Themselves’ Oh really? That statement should qualify as the most Ignorant and Hypocritical one in history! Paul said it right under the direction of the Holy Spirit: Romans 1:22 “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of … Click Here to Read More

Liberal Hellywood Children’s Services Adoption Manager Busted in Child Pornography Ring

There’s disturbing news to report surrounding the Los Angeles County, California Department of Children’s and Family Services, where Hollywood resident and adoption manager Carlos Castillo was busted as part of a child pornography circuit sting. 54-year-old Carlos Castillo is a 30-year veteran of the Department of Children’s and Family Services in Los Angeles County. The … Click Here to Read More

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!