World’s Largest Child Porn Site Raided: 338 Pedophiles Arrested. Politicians Implicated

The Justice Department announced that it has raided the “world’s largest” child sexual exploitation marketplace on the dark web, arrested 338 pedophiles, and saving at least 23 children who were being actively abused by users of the site. According to the DOJ release, they have evidence the sickening darknet site dedicated to the most vile forms … Click Here to Read More

Four Men Sentenced to Prison for Engaging in a Child Exploitation Enterprise on the Tor Network

Justice Dept. – The creator and lead administrator of a highly sophisticated Tor-network-based website dedicated to the sexual abuse of children was sentenced Friday, along with three others, for their roles in this global child exploitation enterprise. Patrick D. Falte, 29, of Franklin, Tennessee, was sentenced to 35 years in prison for engaging in a … Click Here to Read More

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

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